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Rehearsal Notes

Posted: February 8, 2019 at 7:28 pm   /   by   /   comments (1)

Please review what we rehearsed on Tuesday to solidify our progress. Also, put any markings noted in your music.

*Pro-tip from Diana – make specific notes in your music instead of just circling something. A circle could mean a billion things. An arrow or a 1 word reminder is frequently more useful. 🙂

Nov. 16th

  1. Star of Gl-AW-ry
    1. no breath between meas. 3 & 4
    2. **NEW** Page 8, Breath mark before “Down”
    1. ***NEW** Breath after the 1st Still
    2. Breath between Still & “One can” at bottom of page 1
  3. MASS – We sang the whole thing…in a new key! Yikes! It was tricky but doable.
    1. GLORIA *** Page 25 – Last 4 measures are in 4 – SLOW
    2. SANCTUS *** Break between each repetition of the word “Sanctus”
    3. AGNUS DEI – **NEW** – We will be singing the whole movement 2 times now.

NOTES – Al needs concert ushers, ask your family members. Al need Riser movers to set up and tear down.

Phillips Exeter is having an awesome choir concert Sunday!

  • Sunday, November 21, 4 PM. Concert at Exeter Academy, Bowld Recital Hall, Tan Lane, Exeter. Music by the Concert Choirs, Chamber Orchestra, and Concert Band. Including works by Handel, Monteverdi, Mozart, and others. Free admission. For reservations, contact

November 9th

  1. Still Still Still
    1. Pronunciation – Write these in!!
      1. Still – ST comes before the beat – “i” is pronounced “ee”
      2. Sleep – SL comes before the beat
      3. page 4-5 limit the ‘r’ our = ouwa surround = sooround
    2. Page 6 – crescendo!
  2. Sanctus page 50
    1. Pronunciation – Pleni “PL” before the beat – Gloria “GL” before the beat
      1. I’m seeing a trend here…. 😛
  3. Agnus Dei — This should be sung lightly and a bit bouncy. Write that in.
  4. Credo – Practiced page 39- to the end
  5. Kyrie – run through
  6. Break Forth – Again, minimizing the ‘R’
  7. Ave Maria
  8. The Snow
    1. lighT and sighT – T goes on the rest
    2. page 7 at letter D is a little faster, watch her!!

Nov. 2

  1. Sanctus – pg 50 – sight read and rehearsed in general
    1. “ex” celsis – pronounce it EK – write that in!
    2. End of the song – Page 54 goes back to the sign at page 53 and ends at the Fine at the bottom of page 53
  2. Angus Dei – Page 55
    1. De-I – those vowels are separate, not “day”!
    2. Lift between each repetition of “angus Dei”
  3. Credo – rehearsed page 39 to the end
    1. BASSES – Page 48 – first word is a typo, it’s supposed to read Saecula
    2. ALL!!! – Page 49 – the last 4 measures of the movement will be conducted in 4. WRITE THAT IN
  4. Kyrie – More K and Ky = kee
  5. Ave Maria – Rehearsed in quartet formation
  6. Break Forth – rehearsed in quartet formation.

Oct. 26th

  1. Break Forth
    1. Any time you have 2 quarter notes slurred together, emphasize the first note!
    2. Page 3 – Crescendo top of the page to the bottom of the page.
    3. Tenor – Last note of the song is A not an F!!
  2. Credo – Worked the parts and notes page 39 to the end, Then we sang the WHOLE THING!!!
  3. Gloria
    1. A-men – Emphsize the AH!! Page 24 should be marcato and march like
    2. Page 20 – Bring out the phrasing!
    3. Pg 15 – Keep it light
  4. Still Still Still
  5. The Snow – Page 6/7- “HEART” no “r” in heart

Oct. 18th

  1. Star of Glory
    1. Break between “Star” and “of” – no Sta-rof!
    2. BASS – Breath before “I said” each time it occurs
    3. ALL – Meas 15 carry over “Oh….in the”
  2. Ave Maria
    1. Page 3 – cross off the breath mark at top of page
    2. Page 4 – top of page cross out BOTh breath marks
    3. Page 4 bottow – cross out 2nd breath mark
  3. Credo
    1. Page 31 8th measure, breath after Verum
  4. Gloria
    1. Pg 14 is “in 4”
    2. Page 15 is in 2!
    3. Page 24 is like a march
  5. Still Still Still
  6. The Snow

October 12th – Robert’s Rehearsal

  1. Still Still Still
    1. Pronunciation – Tall vowels
    2. Pg 6, Lift between the “Dreams”
  2. Star of Glory
    1. “Star” “Of” should be separate with a glottle stop – No sta-rof
    2. Accent on GLO-ry
    3. Tall “-ry” in Glory
    4. Accent the WISE in Wisemen during the solo.
  3. We ran through these songs to solidify our parts – No significant notes on these
    1. Gloria, Kyrie, Credo Pg 47 to the end.
    2. Ave Maria
    3. The Snow

Oct. 5th – There was more than this but please take note of the vowel placement in eLEIson. Write it in your music! We don’t want Priscilla to have to repeat it for the next 2 months!

Comments (1)

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  • September 26, 2019 at 8:20 am Priscilla French

    Excellent rehearsal notes, Diana – and you are correct that markings should be as specific as possible. Writing in phoenetic tips (like the “schwa” sound for an-gels) is really helpful. (And how did you locate that schwa symbol on your keyboard? Show me please!). All: please click on “part predominant” to hear Matthew Curtis’ beautiful and accurate singing of your part for Schutz, Psalm 100 and Pinkham. As for spotlight on Paul Carleton, well now we know how much Paul loves rock ‘n roll – and that the 2015 PPM tour to Central Europe was a highlight!
