Three ways you can support Portsmouth Pro Musica
Portsmouth Pro Musica is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to enriching the musical lives of its audience and members by performing the finest choral repertoire from all style periods. Your tax deductible contribution helps keep PPM performing. Your three options are:
* Donate to our general fund
* Donate to the orchestra fund
* Purchase an ad that will appear in our December and Spring concert programs
Click for the donation and ad forms. Print and mail to PO Box 234, Portsmouth NH 03802
Sponsorship Options
- Acknowledgment in all concert programs and program covers
- Full page ad and listing in all concert programs
- Web link on
- 4 complimentary tickets for each concert
- Acknowledgment in winter and spring concert programs
- Web link on our website
- 4 complimentary tickets for winter and spring concerts
- Acknowledgment in winter and spring concert programs
- Web link on our website
- 2 complimentary tickets for winter and spring concerts
- Acknowledgment in winter and spring concert programs
QUARTER NOTE – Up to $100
- Acknowledgment in winter and spring concert programs
Donate via Paypal
From our president:
Dear Friends of Portsmouth Pro Musica:
Please lend your support for a very special year for Portsmouth Pro Musica. … Click here for the full text